Monday, November 21, 2011

What is white balancing, why do you do it, and what does it accomplish?

White balance (WB) is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo. White balance is very important in photography and videography as it gets the colors in your images as accurate as possible.

 Name 3 of each and explain the difference between Camera and Director's Instructions.

Three Camera instructions are:                          
1) Zoom-
2) Pan- Horizontal movement of the camera, preferably on a tripod to capture a particular scene.
3) Tilt- Vertical movement of the camera,very similar to that of panning.

Three Director instructions are:
1) Action-This commences shooting or recording of the scene.
2) Cut- This terminates the shooting or recording of the scene.
3) Standby- This is used to make the crew aware that shooting is about to begin and is usually said five minutes before the director says action.


The camera instructions are done electronically while the director's instructions are done through commands-verbally/manually.


 What is AGC, and what does it do?

AGC refers to automatic gain control it is an adaptive system found in many electronic devices. This is basically where the average output signal level is fed back to adjust the gain to an appropriate level for a range of input signal levels. For example, without AGC the sound emitted from an AM radio receiver would vary to an extreme extent from a weak to a strong signal; in other words the AGC effectively reduces the volume if the signal is strong and raises it when it is weaker.

If you do not want 16:9 , what is the other option for shooting. and what does it mean?

The other option for shooting would be the aspect ratio of 4:3 which is the universal video format of the 20th Century.

Question 5
When do you open the iris of a camera, what does it do to the camera?
The iris is an adjustable aperture used to control the amount of light coming through the lens. The more the iris is opened, the more light it lets in and the brighter the scene will be. The iris is opened when the individual wants to allow light into a shot. 
Question 6
Apart from white balance, what else should you check before each new scene?
The other settings to check before shooting a new scene would be Resolution, apeture, video quality and Adjust-sharpness, contrast and saturation and  also audio levels if audio is being used.

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